Affiliated Legal Services Inc. in Oklahoma City, OK

All information about Affiliated Legal Services Inc. in Oklahoma City, OK

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Address: 3840 NW 23rd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73107-2738
Phone: (405) 605-3704

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About Affiliated Legal Services Inc.

David Roberts is a born and raised Oklahoman. A graduate of OKC University School of Law in 1993 with a Juris Doctorate degree, he has helped thousands of clients find debt relief by representing them during their bankruptcy process. The years of experience that Atty. Roberts brings to each client helps people in retaining what is rightfully theirs. Affiliated Legal Services, Inc. opened in 2003 with the philosophy of helping others as financially efficient as possible. ALS, Inc. is dedicated to solving your legal problems and helping you get your life back. Whether you are drowning in credit card debt, getting harassing or threatening phone calls, dealing with a paycheck garnishment, a foreclosure on your home or have mounting medical bills; let David Roberts take the burden off you and help to ease your legal process. At Affiliated Legal Services, Inc. the paperwork is filled out by the Attorney himself; thus making sure the procedure is smooth accurate and efficient the first time. You wont find a more economical or caring firm for your bankruptcy needs. Please give our office a call anytime, 24/7! We want to take your stress and give you a clean slate!

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