NavGate Technologies in Madison, WI

All information about NavGate Technologies in Madison, WI

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Address: 583 Donofrio Dr, Madison, WI 53719-2055
Phone: (608) 833-2524

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About NavGate Technologies

* Employee Benefit Plans
* Insurance

**Information Request Gateway**
Have you been **searching for solutions** to the multitude of health and financial planning challenges confronting your employees or clients? **Search no more...**

**CareOptionsOnLine™ (COOL™) has arrived** as the most complete and unbiased, consumer driven care planning solution on the planet.

**What is COOL?**
**COOL** is an intuitive and interactive system containing a proprietary knowledge base of care planning resources that is delivered over the Internet. COOL was created to **empower individuals of all ages to plan for future or present financial and care needs** related to wellness, disability, eldercare, short or long term care and caregiver issues.

**How Can COOL Help?**
Whether you are a working-age adult, retiree, caregiver, employer, association, affinity group or professional, COOL can help you plan for a wonderful future or take the heat off a present caregiving situation. We have thousands of resources and tools to help.

**How Can I Get More Information?**
We have prepared three short presentations in Macromedia Flash to demonstrate the **features and benefits of CareOptionsOnLine**. You can view the presentations, or simply request that we send an information packet to you.

**It's educational - it's economical - it's unlike anything out there - it's COOL™!**

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