Data Management Consultants in Foster City, CA

All information about Data Management Consultants in Foster City, CA

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Address: 969 Edgewater Blvd Ste 758, Foster City, CA 94404-3760
Phone: (650) 207-9245

About Data Management Consultants

Our staff processes claims on a weekly basis using an electronic transmittal process. Insurance payments and patient payments are also processed on a weekly basis. Utilizing an electronic processing system versus paper processing results in timely payments, fewer denials, lower rejection rate, and an overall streamlined billing process.

Our staff communicates regularly with your medical personnel. We maintain a cohesive working relationship with our clients to ensure all of your billing needs are met. Calls to patients are returned in a timely manner to address any concerns they may have regarding their bill.

Our full practice billing management solution has resulted in low customer turn-over and high levels of satisfaction with our clients.

Loans company in Foster City, CA

Billing Service, Financial Planners, Medical Records Service, Loans in Foster City, CA